010 025 7000 info@saunderslaw.co.za


Website Use:

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Access to this website is made available for information purposes only. Unauthorised use of any intellectual property on this website, including the domain names, trade names and logos of Saunders & Co., is strictly prohibited by local and international legislation and treaties.

The User may not, without prior consent, reproduce, adapt, distribute or publish any part of these webpages on any other website or forum. The User shall attempt to violate the security of this website or infect it with any malicious or contaminating virus or other codes, nor interfere with or damage any information or underlying data contained on this website.

Where this website contains links to other websites, Saunders & co. accepts no liability for the privacy policy or terms of use of those websites. Saunders & Co. has no control over such websites, and the User accesses such websites at the User’s own risk and discretion.

Saunders & Co. reserves the right to make changes to this website and its contents, including services offered, terms and conditions and any information, at any time and without notice.


The information provided in this website does not constitute legal advice. Every situation requires individual attention. Always consult a suitably qualified legal practitioner on any specific issue. Saunders & Co. accepts no liability for any loss arising from reliance on the general information published on this website.

Saunders & Co. makes no warranties in regard to the accuracy or availability of the website’s contents, nor that downloads are free from viruses or other malicious or destructive codes. The User assumes all risk for the use of the website. Saunders & Co. will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this website, whether direct or indirect, and whether or not Saunders & Co. has knowledge of the possibility of such loss or damage. The User hereby indemnifies Saunders & Co. and holds it harmless against all loss or damage by a third party in relation to any act or omission by the User in relation to this website.

Electronic mail transmissions are confidential and may contain information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended or authorised recipient of an email, please notify Saunders & Co. immediately and delete the email and attachments. Any reliance on, disclosure or distribution of such information is prohibited and may be unlawful. Saunders & Co. accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever if information or underlying data is, for any reason incomplete, corrupted, delayed or does not reach the intended destination, or results in any form of loss (whether direct or indirect) from receipt or access to such email. Email transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be secured and error-free as such information could be intercepted, altered, corrupted or destroyed by viruses or other unauthorised sources. Any settlement offers are made without admission of liability and without prejudice to the rights of the sender or its clients. Unless specifically indicated, views expressed in emails are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of, nor form an official statement of, Saunders & Co. Inc.


Before we act on any client’s behalf, we are required under relevant legislation to verify that client’s identity and request supporting documentation. We are obliged to report any suspicions of money laundering, or otherwise fraudulent or corrupt activity. As a result thereof, we may cease to act further for the client, and not be liable to the client for the consequence of such report made in good faith. Saunders & Co. requires its employees to act honestly and with integrity at all times, and unlawful conduct will not be tolerated.

Privacy policy:

Saunders & Co. is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its website Users. Certain information regarding the User may be obtained automatically as the User navigates through this website. This includes the Users internet protocol (IP) address, browsing software and domain. Such information is only used to assist Saunders & Co. manage its website usage and provide functionality. IP addresses are not ordinarily linked to personal information and User session may remain anonymous, unless to protect this website. Users’ browsers may be set up to refuse all cookies, which may appear to collect anonymous website traffic statistics.

The User may provide Saunders & Co. with personal information. The User consents to Saunders & Co. only using such information for the purposes for which it is disclosed by the User. No such information will not be made available to third parties without the User’s consent.

Governing law:

The use of this website, and the terms and conditions, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. All matters arising in connection with this website are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the South African courts.

Access to Information:

To access a copy of our PAIA Manual, click here.